Tuesday, February 24, 2015

One for the moms (and dads, but...mostly the moms)

There comes a point in every winter, in our house it seems to be February, where everyone is over it, but especially the moms.

I'm sitting here in my messy kitchen and I'm writing a blog instead of cleaning it, because I'm over it.  I'm over coats, socks, boots, gloves, hats, and after this week, I'm certainly over germs!  It seems every summer, fall, and even spring, I develop momnesia on what it is like to have 3 kids couped up in the house during a week off from school for snow days sharing germs.  And then once I hear one of them cough a deep horrible cough, or worse yet, see them lose all color in their face and go purple around the eyes right before they explode everywhere like that kid on the Exorcist, it all comes crashing back to me.  If one of them is gonna puke, they're all gonna puke.  And even though after 10 years of being a mom I can wipe a butt with one hand and clean up puke with the other, it is really, never fun, From the first gag my heart turns black like the Grinch's heart, and I turn into a zombie until it's over.  I spray lysol on everything from the couch to the light switches, I wash everything that will fit into the washer, I line beds with towels and buckets with trash bags to try to save myself the tiniest bit of trouble, but it rarely matters.  They've been contagious for days before this, swapping germs as they rudely spit into each other's faces or give each other wet willies, and the germs have already taken a firm grip on their digestive tracts.  They're gonna puke.  They're all gonna puke, and it doesn't even matter what you do to try to make sure at least one of them escapes.  Us moms, we can only hope and pray that we remain the last man standing. That we can keep the stamina and stave off the exhaustion long enough to do one more load, bleach one more toilet, provide one more cracker and hope it stays put.

So, to all my othah muthahs out there.  I salute you, and I salute me.  We are going to make it through this long, germy, icy, freezing cold, cloudy, but beautiful winter, and soon we will be sitting at the pool having a chat and our biggest worry will be sunburns.  We can do this ladies!  We will persevere!  We will rise to the occasion wearing freshly washed (because someone puked on them) yoga pants and our favorite hoodie. Find something to get you there!  I'm looking at you March Madness.  I am looking at you.  Pull me through to the end!

Go Cats! If (when) Kentucky goes 40-0 the puke fest will be forgotten and I'll just remember this as the best winter ever.