Thursday, December 11, 2014

How did you get to be so funny?

I am so excited that Allen is letting me join in on the blogging fun.  As he puts it "I have these thoughts that I have to get out somewhere or I'll explode.  It's like holding in a sneeze!"  I couldn't have said it better.  Most of the time you are all subject to my random one or two liners on Facebook.  I'll just be fleshing that out a bit here, and I'm sure you'll all just chuckle and roll your eyes as usual, if you even bother to read it.

After moving 10 times in my married life, it has become quite clear to me that people think I'm funny.  I am asked all the time "Have you always been this funny?" and "Where in the world do you come up with this stuff?"  The answer is no, I have not always been funny.  I have always been LOUD.  And when you are loud and not funny, what you usually get is obnoxious.  And that's what I was.  Obnoxious. I was also...well, ugly.  I was not an attractive child by any sense of the word.  I'm not sure how or when, but somewhere along the way loud and ugly turned into something else.  Or maybe when you are not butt ugly people think you are less obnoxious and more funny?  Not sure.  And I do know that even now, some people find me obnoxious and not funny.  I don't know what to do with those people.  If they don't think I'm funny I find myself filling awkward silences with more dibble dabble that they do not think is funny, thus making them dislike me even more.  Slippery slope there my friends.  Now, I'm also by no means saying that I'm a super model now, and I know you're thinking "We all had our awkward phases."  No.  This was way more than that.  My "awkward phase" lasted about 12 years.  And I will prove it to you:

Shorter more curly mullet with large neck bow.

The perm era and my attempt at big bangs.

A tiny bit better in 9th grade. Maybe?

Ugh.  And then 10th grade happened. And this is my mom's shirt.

This is sideways, but I had to throw it in somewhere.  Allen of course, looks fine in 1995

Things got better in college.  Spring of 1999.
So there you have it folks.  I grew up in a house with a brother who's name rhymed with mine, and who was handsome, athletic, funny, and popular.  Then, I went to college where barely anyone knew me, got married,moved 10 times, and realized that I have this weird way of thinking about things that some people somehow find funny, and I also have a penchant for attracting very weird and odd situations that somehow involve me in the center of them.  You'll hear alllll about them and random musings from my aforementioned big brother, on this little bitty blog.

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